Hobsons Bay Boomerang Bags

We are a group of 30-40 volunteers located in the heart of the picturesque seaside town of Altona Victoria and service the whole of Hobsons Bay.

We are the most amazing group of women of all ages and walks of life.  We enjoy each others company, we review books and movies, we love grandchildren photos, we eat cake and drink wine, we mend each other clothes, we support illness and celebrate wellness, we laugh a lot and even trim hair.

Our group has been running for 3 years and we have made 5000 bags and still going strong.  We have an amazing merchandise range and we are constantly in demand to facilitate workshops for students or just give a talk.

We welcome all volunteers; sewers and non sewers alike.  If you can’t sew and want to learn, we’re happy to help.  But sewing is definitely not essential  – there’s always plenty of other jobs to help with!

Our workshops are held weekly, one week is 1pm to 4pm the following is 6pm to 9pm and so on.

Volunteers who can’t make it to a sewing bee but would still like to help are welcome to pop into the shop to collect some take-home-and-sew kits or take home some cutting or handle making any time.  All help is appreciated, and if you have any questions at all, feel free to pop into the shop for a chat.


Where should people donate materials?:

Please contact us direct.

Sargood Street 2
Altona 3018 VIC AU
Get directions

Contact this Community

You may wish to contact this community to join, or with questions for donations of material. This is the place to get in touch with the community on this page.

    *note: this form isn’t for general enquiries to Boomerang Bags HQ. For general questions, contact us on the main contact page.