Boomerang Bags Alba Iulia
A very small community made of 2 residents and 2 guests 🙂 who have just started out and hope to contribute with care and joy at the wellbeing of our beloved Planet and slowly make a difference in our area. We hope to have more people happily joining and be able to send the clear message of plastic pollution.
In our country textile bags have been really popular since forever, until not so many years ago when we were introduced to plastic – even so, there’s a joke about our people – every Romanian keeps a plastic bag full of plastic bags – which is quite true, and which is not so bad, because it’s meant to say that plastic bags are often reused many times before being thrown away.
But of course, nowadays plastic pollution is a huge and sad problem and unfortunately you can find it everywhere around and in nature and even worse, the country doesn’t have proper ways of collecting and recycling garbage.
So having said all this, we will strive to do our tiny part in the whole picture and spread awareness about the way plastic dresses the country and bring bag the old-fashioned fabric bag, which is actually pretty cool and hip now, with a strong message and a clear purpose!