Boomerang Bags Baltimore
We are a loosely knit group of people who enjoy sewing and making a difference in our environment. We first started this group in April 2017 in order to change the worst behaviors of consumerism and our society’s fixation on disposable products, and have been meeting about twice a month to sew bags to push back on these behaviors however we can. We have volunteers from Baltimore City and County from varied backgrounds: librarians, school teachers, retirees, preteens, teenagers, mothers, fathers and grandparents. Our skill levels vary but everyone is anxious to help in any way they can. Those of us who sew have taught others when there was interest, we always have a wonderful time when we meet for a Sewing Bee. We have given away our bags at farmer’s markets, in front of grocery stores, and have recently made a connection with a local food pantry to supply them with bags for food distribution to those in need. We will continue this effort as long a single-use disposable bags and other plastic products are in everyday use.
Where should people donate materials?:
Please contact Kathy or Lynn for donations.
Sewing bee details:
Idlewylde Hall, 6301 Sherwood Rd Baltimore, Md 21239