Gundy Boomerang Bags
Gundagai Boomerang Bags will recommence every Wednesday from 10am. Please come and join us for a cuppa and cake to celebrate another year making Bags for our community.
Our new home for 2020 is at Gundagai Craft Centre 105 Sheridan Street Gundagai. No fear if you can’t sew we need help with cutting materials, pinning, ironing, stamping and sewing.
Please get in touch via email, search for our
facebook page Gundagai Boomerang Bags or contact any of our committee:
Carol Harris 0417275327
June McPherson 0456367425
Sue Houstein 0407403980
Bags can be found at Gundagai Newsagency, The Stem and Petal and our new home Gundagai Craft Centre. Sewing machines are now set up permanently so if you want to drop in to do some sewing feel free.
All participants will be asked to make a gold coin donation that will go towards running costs and tea and coffee.
Where should people donate materials?:
Contact any of the committee, or drop off at 105 Sheridan Street.
Sewing bee details:
Gundagai Craft Centre 10am every Wednesday