Watsonia Library Boomerang Bag Group

We meet every third Monday of the month to sew bags for the library users. We are all eager to make a big difference by making small changes and reusing what we can. We’re a friendly bunch who enjoy learning new skills, including screen printing, making new friends and sharing our strengths. For over 12 months the Watsonia library has been plastic free!

Where should people donate materials?:

Kindly Make contact with Carolyn to arrange

Sewing bee details:

Third Monday of every month 6.30-8pm

Watsonia 3087 VIC AU
Get directions

Contact this Community

You may wish to contact this community to join, or with questions for donations of material. This is the place to get in touch with the community on this page.

    *note: this form isn’t for general enquiries to Boomerang Bags HQ. For general questions, contact us on the main contact page.