Create your community's details

The details you enter here will be used to create your community's unique page and show your community on our map. All of these sections can be edited anytime with your login details. If you don't know answers to any non-required questions, or need time to get a photograph, you can come back and fill them in later.
All the details you provide will be handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
You might like to name your community after your local town, for example Boomerang Bags Avalon, or Boomerang Bags Lennox Heads.
Provide any details that someone might like to know when looking for your community to join in their area.

A little bit about you

Additional community contact

Optional. Add if you have another contact who manages your community.
Select if this is a remote position.

About your community activities

These images could be of your community or your activities, or of bags you have made. They will show up the top of your community page in the header.

Community Statistics

Skip this section if you're signing up for the first time or don't have this information.
We collect your community statistics several times a year to help show our global impact, share your successes, and see what amazing things you're doing. We appreciate your time collecting statistics and updating this section.
We record this so that you can refer back to it next time you update the statistics
We collect this in case we need to be in touch to clarify anything or to congratulate you on the amazing job!

That's it!

Please preview and submit your community page from here. It will be reviewed by our team and we will notify you when your page goes live. You will appear on the map and be able to share your page once it is live.