CREATE a community
1. Get the Boomerang Bags Toolkit
The online Boomerang Bags Toolkit is your guide to successfully bring Boomerang Bags to life in your community!
The project is totally adaptable… a ‘community’ can be one person sewing solo, a gathering of friends, a school, a community group, members of the public, or all of the above.
The Toolkit covers everything from bag patterns, engaging the community, promotional materials, tips and ideas to help you through based on the experience of existing communities. You’ll also receive access to connect and share with other Boomerang Bags volunteers around the world!
After registering below, you’ll receive the Toolkit by email, and have a browse through to see if Boomerang Bags is a fit for you. Don’t worry – we won’t spam you with emails!

2. CREATE your community page
If you decide to move forward with making Boomerang Bags locally, you become part of the global movement! So that the wider community can find you to donate fabric or volunteer, you can create your very own community page to be displayed on the global map! You’ll receive a link with some instructions by email, and in the Toolkit under ‘Start Here’.

3. Start making bags!
Once you’ve had a look through the Toolkit, you can start making connections, collecting fabric, and making bags! Whether you make one bag or 100…each bag leads to a conversation – make every bag count as an opportunity to connect and keep spreading the message of reuse!
Ready to get started?
Enter your details to receive the Boomerang Bags Toolkit, and take the next step to creating your community.
* Please ensure your email address is spelt correctly. If you dont receive an email with the Toolkit, check your spam, or contact us directly by email and we can make sure you get it!
Not sure whether Boomerang Bags is for you? Here are a few commonly asked questions you might like to consider…
How many people do I need to start a community?
A community can be as little or as big as you’d like. Want to make bags with just you? Go for it! Want to create a community with your whole neighbourhood, two soccer clubs and the cat from down the road? Be our guest!
How many bags do I need to make?
Whether you make one bag and give it to a family member, or hundreds of bags for a market is up to you – there’s no right or wrong. Each bag counts as an opportunity to start a conversation, and the ripple effects are immeasurable!
What if I can't sew?
Boomerang Bags is designed for sewers and non-sewers alike. If you cant sew, its the perfect opportunity to call on the help of a friend, grandma, or neighbour to teach you! Not keen to get behind a machine? There are plenty of other jobs involved, such as recruiting volunteers, spreading the word, cutting, pinning, ironing, making tea, planning events… there are roles for everyone!
What do volunteers enjoy most about being part of Boomerang Bags?
Volunteers have expressed ‘coming to donate materials, and staying for the friendships, laughter and life changing conversations’. Being part of a community is much more than just making bags. You can look forward finding a tribe (locally and globally) that has your back, some awesome conversations, plus the warm and fuzzy feelings that come with being part of a positive movement.
What if I sign up and then decide not to move ahead?
No problems! Signing up below is just an expression of interest which helps us to make sure everyone is connected and supported wherever they are. You’ll receive the Toolkit to peruse, then it’s totally up to you how you’d like to move forward. You might even find a community nearby you’d like to visit to try it out!
(Don’t worry, we won’t spam you with newsletters after you’ve signed up!)
Does it cost anything to join?
The online Boomerang Bags Toolkit is a free resource, which comes with ongoing support from co-founders and other active communities around the world. There are no joining or membership fees to Boomerang Bags.