Boomerang Bags, MTC Australia,Liverpool
MTC Australia is a not for profit community organisation with a focus on empowering individuals to live the best lives they can, by offering training, employment, youth programs and opportunities to up-skill through a number of programs.
Adult Learners enrolled in the Skills for Education and Employment program are proud to be designing and sewing Boomerang Bags, and supporting such a great cause. The group is a mosaic of culturally and linguistically diverse, and indigenous/native speaker communities, each member bringing a unique style,story, color, personality and conversation, to the project. There is much laughter, sharing, friendship,joy,learning while working together to be a united catalyst for change!
Where should people donate materials?:
MTC Australia, 242-250 George Street, Liverpool, NSW 2170 (9.00am-4.30pm,Mon-Fri)
Sewing bee details:
MTC Australia, 242-250 George Street, Liverpool, NSW 2170 Every Wednesday 9.00 am-12 noon.