Boomerang Bags Bozeman
Valley of the Flowers Project’s BYO Bag for Change is now partnered with Boomerang Bags to create a win-win for eliminating single-use bags and community sustainability projects. BYO Bag for Change is a popular program at a few local stores in which customers donate their $.05 reusable bag refunds at the register. The nickels are tallied quarterly and granted to local stewardship efforts like funding for a solar panel at the Fork and Spoon, public recycling bins, community gardens and youth nature programs.
Please support participating stores such as Joe’s Parkway, Town and Country Foods,Rocky Mountain Toy Company, Bob Wards, and more. You can also help by asking the manager at your favorite store to join the BYO Bag for Change and Boomerang Bag movement today!
We have expanded our Boomerang Bags stands to the Bozeman Public Library and the Food Bank, as well as BYO Bag for Change at the Hungry Moose in Big Sky, and the Lewistown Town and Country Foods. Our group now includes Boomerang Bags Big Sky, and Boomerang Bags Montana.
Be the change and make change with Boomerang Bags and BYO Bag for Change!
Where should people donate materials?:
Please donate bags or fabric at the corner stand at 9th and Curtiss in Bozeman, Montana.