Boomerang Bags Caloundra
We are a bunch of friendly people who want to help our community reduce their use of plastic. We get together in Caloundra once a fortnight to meet up and make boomerang bags from donated material that otherwise could have ended up in landfill. We give our bags to several local businesses for them to give to their customers for free along with a message of reusing or returning the bag instead of using plastic. Some people like to sew the bags at home while others help with whatever jobs they can at the sewing bees (sewing skills are not necessary – there are non-sewing jobs).
We meet at the Caloundra Community Centre on Queen St every fortnight, 10am-2pm, on a Wednesday. Please join us if you can or you can donate material – we like non-stretchy material like cotton or linen. Old doona covers are great.
Where should people donate materials?:
Caloundra Community Centre, Queen St, Caloundra.
Sewing bee details:
Caloundra Community Centre, Queen St Caloundra, every fortnight on a Wednesday, 10am-2pm.