Boomerang Bags Minneapolis

Welcome to a growing community of Twin Cities residents coming together to act on climate change and reduce waste. Our awesome volunteers include people coming for the first time, and others that have been coming for 2 years. We currently have volunteers aged from 7 years to 94 years! We sew, iron, cut, screen print, and discuss sustainability, movie, book and restaurant recommendations among other topics. It is fun, informal and purposeful work!

Where should people donate materials?:

2720 W 43rd St

Sewing bee details:

Typically Third Sat of the month above Wild Rumpus Bookstore. Check our facebook page to confirm or join our mailing list.

Minneapolis MN US
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Contact this Community

You may wish to contact this community to join, or with questions for donations of material. This is the place to get in touch with the community on this page.

    *note: this form isn’t for general enquiries to Boomerang Bags HQ. For general questions, contact us on the main contact page.