Notting Hill

Notting Hill Neighbourhood House

Address: 37 Westerfield Dr, Notting Hill VIC 3168

Phone: (03) 9561 0114

We will be running a boomerang bag making workshop at least once a school term.

Please check our facebook or website for details


Where should people donate materials?:

Notting Hill Neighbourhood house
37 Westerfield Drive,
Notting Hill Vic 3168

Sewing bee details:

Wednesday June 26th 7pm- 9pm bagmaking workshop

Westerfield Drive 37
Notting Hill 3168 VIC AU
Get directions

Contact this Community

You may wish to contact this community to join, or with questions for donations of material. This is the place to get in touch with the community on this page.

    *note: this form isn’t for general enquiries to Boomerang Bags HQ. For general questions, contact us on the main contact page.