Wild Mountains Sew Sustainable Crew

We get together once a month at Wild Mountains Environmental education centre , Running creek, QLD to work on Boomerang Bags, Repair Cafe and other sew sustainable outcomes. Contact Lizz on lizz@wildmountains.org for more details.

Where should people donate materials?:

Contact Lizz lizz@wildmountains.org to arrange pick up or drop off.

Sewing bee details:

Every Volunteer Weekend – see website for details or contact lizz@wildmountains.org

Running Creek 4287 QLD AU
Get directions

Contact this Community

You may wish to contact this community to join, or with questions for donations of material. This is the place to get in touch with the community on this page.

    *note: this form isn’t for general enquiries to Boomerang Bags HQ. For general questions, contact us on the main contact page.