Twin Rivers Lions Boomerang Bags
Twin Rivers Lions Club Inc – enviro sustainability project
Our environmental educational initiative continues to grow and evolve according to the local needs of our little rural community. We are continuing to expand opportunities for our community to collect and recycle/upcycle as much as possible to try to reduce “single” use products.
As an extension to making recycling/upcycling fabrics, canvas, etc we have branched out to support local and other recycling initiatives:
Current Project:
Children’s book bags suitable for 0 – 12 yrs to give out with our distribution of KEEPER BOOKS for children in East Gippsland (123 READ 2 ME). This is an ongoing literacy project (approx distribution of 6,000 books per year).
Previous Projects:
2019-2020 East Gippsland Bushfires – over 3,000 wildlife pouches were made and distributed as needed.
COVID-19 LOCKDOWNS 2 local organisations approached us to complete the contracts for them – over 2,000 3ply cotton face masks.
In addition to the ongoing book bags project we have expended to collecting unwanted eye spectacles (prescription/non prescription as well as sun glasses), unwanted new & used postage stamps and stamp collections (accepting stamps across the globe), we are introducing small battery recycling later 2022.
Everything we collect can be recycled/upcycled to provide a 2nd or subsequent use to avoid landfill.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED (no sewing skills required as there are lots of other jobs needing to be done like, sorting, packing, making hot drinks for others, etc
We are always keen to hear from anyone who would enjoy participating in our group. We have several opportunities for volunteering. Just email us or ring us for additional information.
We are located in the rural community between Bairnsdale and Lakes Entrance, Victoria, Australia
Where should people donate materials?:
Donations of surplus or unwanted excellent quality materials can be dropped off at the Swan Reach General Store or pop in to see us of a Tuesday and have a cuppa with us. Beginners welcome – our team members are happy to help any way they can.
Sewing bee details:
ongoing by arrangement