Boomerang Bags Galena
‘Boomerang Bags Galena’ is an initiative by the Galena Green Team, tackling plastic pollution at the grassroots level. Through Boomerang Bags we start conversations, make friends, up-cycle materials and work towards shifting society’s throw away mentality to a more sustainable revolution of re-use – one community, needle and thread at a time!
Join us every first and third Wednesday, from 4 to 6pm, at the West Galena Township Hall, 607 Gear St, Galena, IL, We get together to make re-useable ‘Boomerang Bags’ using recycled materials as a means to replace plastic bags. These bags will be available free at local stores. You can help with sewing, cutting, ironing, pinning, stamping – everyone has a skill we can use!
Where should people donate materials?:
Bring to one of our sewcials, or drop off in collection basket at Galena Piggly Wiggly.
Sewing bee details:
every first and third Wednesday, from 4 to 6pm, at the West Galena Township Hall, 607 Gear St, Galena, IL