Boomerang Bags Frankston
We now have a regular Sewing Bee every Thursday afternoon 1 pm to 3.30 pm
In the Craft Room at The Church of Christ 130 Cranbourne Road Frankston
Contact Marlene Ekin for details 0407 314 616
We also have people who prefer to sew at home.
We have access to a large amount of fabric, if you need fabric to sew at home pop in on Thursday afternoons
We are quite active and manage to make many bags.
We are in about 10 shops in the Frankston area and in the Frankston Council Staff room.
We are always on the lookout for more avenues to share our bags,
Currently sewing both shopping bags and fruit and vegetable produce bags.
We would love more sewing people and look forward to hearing from you.
We now have Therese who is our delivery lady, Therese visits all our shops, tops up supplies and collect donations.
We have a lovely team of workers and always welcome new members and visitors.
Where should people donate materials?:
Contact us to arrange pick up or drop off.
Sewing bee details:
Craft Room Church of Christ 130 Cranbourne rd Frankston Every Thursday 1pm to 3.30 pm