Boomerang Bags Thornbury/Northcote
Small group servicing Thornbury and Northcote. We put free bags in Lentil as Anything, Naturally on High, Use-Ta, and IGA Northcote. Associated with Transition Darebin and Boomerang Bags Darebin. Sewing bees usually held monthly, details are on our Facebook group. Most of our members sew from home and drop completed bags at Span Community Centre, Clyde St, Thornbury in the black box in the foyer. Contact us for patterns, material and badges.
Our next event will be at Darebin Kite Festival in Edwardes Park, Reservoir on 24/3/19 where we’ll demonstrate no sew T shirt bags that can be taken home at Transition Darebin’s stall.
Where should people donate materials?:
Black box in foyer of Span Community Centre. 64 Clyde St. Thornbury