Wynnum Manly Boomerang Bags
We are a group of volunteers who have lots of fun together making Boomerang Bags and helping to reduce the impact of single use plastic on our environment. We always welcome new members. You don’t even need to know how to sew. There are jobs where you don’t even use a sewing machine, but we will happily teach you to sew a Boomerang Bag if you would like to learn. We meet every Thursday from 12.00pm to 3.30pm at the Waterloo Bay Leisure Centre at 241 Tingal Road Wynnum. We are happy to also accept fabric donations at our meetings. Come along and say hi. ?
Sewing bee details:
We meet every Thursday from 12.00pm to 3.30pm at the Waterloo Bay Leisure Centre at 241 Tingal Road Wynnum.